
25 April, 2022

TeraSky wins VMware’s Social Impact Partner of the Year for 2022

TeraSky is proud to share that we have been named VMware’s Social Impact Partner of the Year for 2022 as part of VMware’s annual Partner Achievement Awards! This award celebrates partners for positively impacting the world through the use of VMware technologies, and for our commitment to innovation for a better future, and for driving business around Sustainability, Equity, and Trust.


TeraSky is recognized specifically for outstanding work in refactoring critical applications to microservices for a client providing remote learning services to millions of students during the pandemic. The client’s R&D team needed to re-platform their services in order to satisfy the suddenly unprecedented loads and in order to enable the continuous addition of new features to keep their platforms relevant to the dynamic pandemic circumstances.


By leveraging Kubernetes capabilities for instant scale in a hybrid cloud environment, and using Tanzu as a CI/CD platform on top of Kubernetes, TeraSky enabled the client to deploy new features quickly without disrupting production, implement changes to the application rapidly, and leverage the hyper scales for instant scale when the on-prem resource is insufficient. The Kubernetes ecosystem was designed in a scalable manner, with business-critical applications migrated to the new Tanzu clusters, to avoid future design constraints and to meet the scale of the workloads.


The project resulted in an enterprise-grade platform that could be scaled to the public cloud while maintaining IT constraints in terms of budget and security, with new features delivered with more accurate and shorter timelines, and important security controls automated to eliminate bottlenecks and discover vulnerabilities in development rather than after deploying in production.


“This year’s VMware Partner Social Impact Award winners highlight companies that are not only driving exceptional business outcomes for our customers but are also exceptional global citizens,” said Petra Heinrich Liedtke, vice president, partner, and commercial organization, EMEA, VMware. “The last year brought us both new and continued challenges, and VMware is proud to see TeraSky honored for their ability to help customers deliver under unique circumstances. Technology was the connective tissue for so many, and TeraSky helped customers leverage VMware tools for the greater good in some of their most vulnerable hours.”


“We are honored to receive this award and are especially proud of our work on this project that impacted so many students nationwide. This is our fifth VMware award in four years – following Global Partner of the Year in 2021, and the Global Partner Trailblazer Award and Technology Partner of the Year, both in 2020, and the Partner Innovation Award in 2018 – and we look forward to continuing to partner with VMware in the USA, EU, and Israel to create meaningful and effective technology solutions for our client’s most pressing challenges,” said TeraSky CEO, Ofir Abekasis.

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