
May 8, 2024

Purify Your Backup: Building a Fortress Against Ransomware

Cyberattacks are a constant – and constantly shifting – threat. That’s why TeraSky joined forces with industry leaders Pure Storage, Veeam, and Brocade to host a groundbreaking event – “Purify Your Backup: Building a Complete Cyber Defense,” held on May 7th. Showcasing the power of combining multiple tools, the forum empowered IT professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to combat the ever-present ransomware threat and build serious data security.


We started the morning with a comprehensive overview of the current ransomware threat landscape, led by Orit Harlev, TeraSky’s VP of SDP Business Development. Orit emphasized the importance of a layered approach to defense and the crucial role of secure backups in any successful strategy. Throughout the day, attendees delved deeper into building this “unbreakable backup fortress.”


Next, TeraSky’s Assaf Yahav, Solutions Architect, showcased Pure Storage’s advanced data storage solutions, including Immutable Snapshots, Object Lock, and Rapid Flash Restore – all groundbreaking features for fast data recovery. Veeam then took the stage, and Amir Shnurman, System Engineer, demonstrated the seamless integration with Pure Storage for simplified backups, instant VM recovery, application-consistent backups, and data mobility.


Cristian Stan, Pure Storage’s System Engineer, Amir Shnurman, and Assaf Yahav then performed a live demo showcasing the power of this unified solution, further solidifying the importance of combining these technologies. Witnessing the speed and security of a backup operation with Pure Storage’s SafeMode, data recovery with Veeam, and unparalleled restore speeds facilitated by Brocade Networking was truly compelling.


During the afternoon session, Eldad Siminch, Presale Manager at Brocade, explored the “Autonomous SAN” concept with Brocade Gen 7, providing insights into modernizing storage area networks for faster, more efficient, and resilient data management. The day concluded with a delicious lunch and valuable networking opportunities between attendees and industry experts.


TeraSky’s Guy Shina, VP of Delivery, delivered the closing session. His “Powering Your Success with TeraSky Services” session focused on maximizing efficiency through tailored solutions and customized services to meet unique needs. He highlighted how TeraSky’s experts have designed proven frameworks and methodologies to support innovation and provide comprehensive support from design and planning through deployment and beyond.


With deep knowledge of all three technologies, TeraSky’s experts are uniquely skilled at seamlessly combining these powerful tools into innovative solutions. This expertise allows us to design and implement a cohesive data security strategy tailored to your needs. We don’t just offer best-in-class products; we bridge the gap between them, ensuring your data fortress is built on a foundation of unified strength.


We at TeraSky would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our partners, Pure Storage, Veeam, and Brocade, for their collaboration in making this event so impactful. By working together, we can all build stronger defenses against the threat of ransomware and ensure continued security and resilience.

Want to learn more about purifying your backup? Contact TeraSky today.

Pure Storage

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